Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Costa Rica - The ups and downs

Many people have asked me what I like about Costa Rica, but also the things I miss from the U.S. I will share with you the things I love and the things I miss!

I love…
1) the beauty of the countryside.
2) the cool brisk breeze in the evening after a hot and humid day.
3) all the walking I have to do to get anywhere.
4) my host family because they are so kind and accommodating.
5) that my host mom does my laundry daily.
6) talking with my host family and learning about their lives.
7) walking in the open markets and buying fresh vegetables.
8) waking up to the sounds of people moving about at 5:00 AM.
9) talking walks early in the morning as the sun rises.
10) my room because it is small and easy to clean!

I miss…
1) my chicken caesar salads with dressing on the side and no cheese!
2) my family and friends.
3) not being able to go out when I want because I always need someone with me.
4) warm showers.
5) air-conditioning.
6) my cell phone and texting.
7) my homemade popcorn!
8) my regular routine.
9) my car and being able to drive wherever I want whenever I want.
10) the snow, just kidding! hehe